My dear Krystia turned 13 this weekend and wanted tickets to Twilight. So I bought 3, one for her, a friend, and myself. We went to an early morning show and Sophie was almost asleep when the trailers came on. What was the 1st one for? A freakin' Friday the 13th movie. The woman been chased down by the psycho lets out a blood curdling scream and Sophie follows suit. MInd you my 13 year old and her friend ditched me for better seats so ther I was a 30 something mom, with an infant coming to see a teen movie. I had a few rude comments and saw half the movie standing near the exit, swaying the baby to sleep.
Onto the movie though..I heard it had bad reviews, I heard that it would be laughable to non-fans, but I was not prepared for what followed!!! I am a fan...I'm that 30 something crowd that Stephenie Meyer speaks of. However. it was really pretty bad. Edward was all wrong in my mind..appearance and manners. Inthe book he's an old fashioned gentleman not an impatient teenage snot. Bella, Kristen Stewart, was so emotionless at times I wanted to slap her. Some serious parts were actually funny due to the lack of acting and directing. The meadow was wrong and the SPARKLE...don't get me started....
So I was disappointed and secretly hoping that the movie would NOT do well enough to warrant a sequel. I woke up this morning to learn that I'd be disappointed again. The movie has made enough to ruin the 2nd book in the series. Bummer.
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