This afternoon Ian and Joshua were ready to throw down in the living room... okay so I exaggerate a bit. My boys have yet to get into an actual physical fight, it's come close..but not yet. They were highly irritated with one another so I made them sit on the couch and hold hands :) They've been doing this since Josh could tackle Ian. Tonight I gave them the idea that they could take turns telling each other 10 things they like about that person...Here's a take
I: I like your hair
J: I like your hair
I: I like your eyes
J: I like your eyes
Me: Josh you can't just repeat his answers, come up with something different
I: I like your butt (laughter erupts)
J: I like your nostrils (more laughter through out the house)
I: I like your brain ( the situation has pretty much been diffused by now)
J: I like your brother (Ian took this as a complement at first)
Krystia, who is studying the body systems in science says: Tell him you like his epidermis
I: I like your epeidermis
J: What's that?!?
They got to the 10, I think, and everyone had their dose of daily humor.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Helicopter, helicopter, over my head....
So here I am tonight, researching car seats, when I hear for the second time the circling of the helicopter in my neighborhood. If hubby were closer I wouldn't mind as much as I do right now. I'm a paranoid person by nature...add police helicopters circling and I think they're after me..I mean chasing some crazed lunatic outside my door. So I'm breathing deep, saying my prayers, setting the alarm and heading to bed. I'll be sleeping with the lights on. No conserving electricity here.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Yes I'm alive/summary I haven't blogged in months...It's not that life was boring or too busy. I'm just lazy I guess. We had a great Christmas. My mom came out and visited. We saw my sister and her family over break as well as my auntie and her little family too. She was brave enough to have me and minions (as their daddy calls them) over for a sleep over too!!! We all had a blast. We went to the snow, fell on the ice, fed the ducks and psycho seagulls that attacked. Trav has gone to a convention and is headed to another shortly. Sophie has begun to babble and has wrapped her daddy aroound her pinkie with her "da da da da da da" She scoots...backwards, rolls everywhere and oh yeah...growls. Joshua is now a cub scout and gets baptized in less than 2 weeks. Audrey participated in a Christmas program or two and spelling bee. Krystia and Ian marched in a parade, spend hours at school for drama, and got rockin' grades. Trav hurt his back pretty good recently and is on the mend just in time to throw it out of whack once again at a convention. I have juggled school and church meetings, failed at blogging, housekeeping, christmas card writing and the such. I have also entered the world of facebook...but my sister burst my bubble by informing me that I need to post pictures. I knda like the grey blue question mark. It's curvy, like me.
What's Wrong with California/Education
In the last few weeks my second grader has said "This is funny mom, look" while doing his math homework. I proceed to look over his shoulder to see a typo on his math worksheet. These worksheets are not teacher made worksheets that are whipped together in little time. No siree...these are "Official" State of California, standards based curriculum worksheets by some big publishing company that's paid top dollar for their curriculum..curriculum that's been proofed and edited so that our youngin's can benefit. Todays worksheet looks like this:

Can you see what's wrong with this page? When I asked my 11 and 13 year olds they came up with one other thing...
Did you find it yet?
I'm thinking I'm not gonna give the answer here. If you're really stumped leave me a comment and I'll give ya the answers :)
All I have to say is that I wish I had taken pictures of the others too.
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