In the last few weeks my second grader has said "This is funny mom, look" while doing his math homework. I proceed to look over his shoulder to see a typo on his math worksheet. These worksheets are not teacher made worksheets that are whipped together in little time. No siree...these are "Official" State of California, standards based curriculum worksheets by some big publishing company that's paid top dollar for their curriculum..curriculum that's been proofed and edited so that our youngin's can benefit. Todays worksheet looks like this:

Can you see what's wrong with this page? When I asked my 11 and 13 year olds they came up with one other thing...
Did you find it yet?
I'm thinking I'm not gonna give the answer here. If you're really stumped leave me a comment and I'll give ya the answers :)
All I have to say is that I wish I had taken pictures of the others too.
Hah hah! It took me awhile to find the mistakes. I was expecting to find it in the actual math problems. But I found two mistakes. Were there more?
Oops, I guess the only thing that would make it worse was if it was a grammer worksheet for English. :)
The list of mistakes is as follows:
1)Misnumbering...what happened to 3 and 6???? That's my beef with the worksheet.
2) My older kids noticed that the sheet mentions numbers to 1,000. They never actually get to 1,000.
4)One kiddo is bugged that the sheet says to write the number 3 her it seemed like 4 in one problem. We started getting nit-picky at this point.
:) Thaks for the comments..I didn't know anyone actually read my blog!
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