Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh pooo!

Sunday morning was a bit more hectic than usual. As I scrambled to get myself and 5 children out the door before 9 I felt that I may have been on the brink of success. Our scriptures were ready, lessons prepared, talks written, hair combed, shoes tied, Sophie all dolled up in her cute dress and custom made hair bow to match. Then it happened. I lifted my darling daughter out of the exesaucer to place her in her car seat and discovered what? She had decorated her outfit, tights and all with poo! Well, we changed her, rushed out the door, and actually arrived to church about 5 minutes after 9. Not too bad.

30 minutes later I take the girl to the mothers lounge for a quick fuel up. As I stand her in front of the large mirror that is conveniently placed to aide mommy's in making sure they're fully put together after a feeding I discover that my blue sweater has something added to it.... A large yellow line from the earlier catastrophe! I have poo on my shirt, at church!!!! I return to sacrament meeting and tell my hubby of my discovery. He looks at it and proclaims that he could turn it into a Christmas tree if I give him a green marker. Isn't that soo sweet. Gotta love my man!

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