Friday, October 17, 2008

I've arrived

Here I am. Entering the blogging world. I actually wanted to do this months ago. My first idea was to create a blog titled "Transformation of a Crappy House Wife" and document my progress around the house and with all things domestic. You see how far that got..and if you've been by recently you'll know that not much transforming has happened. Shoot.. shoulda took a before pic of my bathroom counter and corner...(okay I'm getting side tracked)

My other burst of blogsperation came when I was 9 months pregnant with munchkin # 5 and our house was falling apart among other things. It was a laugh or cry kinda situation and I did both. I wrote down all the things going on, emailed it to a friend, and thought "this would make a good post on a blog." I think I will search my emails for that one and post it here.

I think I'm gonna like this....once I figure out how to customize my template, add pics, etc.... But for now I have lunch waiting to be eaten, laundry to be folded and put away, lists to be made, emails to reply to, and teachers to call.

1 comment:

Melody said...

Welcome to blogging!! Let me know if you need any help :) Be prepared it's addicting!! I find myself thinking "I have to blog about that lol!"